Burbujas de sueños / Dream bubbles
Me encantan las burbujas; encienden en mí
esa chispa infantil que se resiste a apagarse detrás del disfraz de adulto -
porque la adultez no es más que un disfraz, un disfraz que nos ponemos cuando
tenemos que salir a encontrar nuestro lugar en el mundo, cuando te das cuenta
de que ya no eres un niño y que ahora te toca trabajar para no ser un nini más.
Ser adulto es horrible: ahora tienes que
ganarte el pan, pagar impuestos y otras cosas extrañas que antes ni siquiera
sabías que existían. Y te pones el disfraz de adulto con traje y corbata, se
acaban los juegos de niños, la vida es levantarse, trabajar todo el día, dormir
y soñar con los fines de semana para verlos desvanecerse en un instante como
pompas de jabón.
¿Qué juego más predilecto de la inocente
ociosidad infantil que soplar burbujas y maravillarte con sus reflejos
coloridos? Hay algo en las pompas de jabón que nos entretiene como bobos, y nos
recuerda al niño que en el fondo nunca dejaremos de ser.
Hace un tiempo descubrí, precisamente en
mis ratos de ociosidad, una canción llamada I'm Forever Blowing Bubbles
(Siempre estoy soplando burbujas); una reliquia del pop estadounidense que
fue publicada por primera vez en 1919. Su melodía a ritmo de vals se convirtió
en un éxito con numerosos interpretes y representaciones en la cultura popular.
Hoy en día es reconocida en Inglaterra como el himno oficial del club
londinense de fútbol West Ham United.
La letra de la canción es un claro ejemplo
del uso de las burbujas en el arte como metáfora por excelencia de los sueños.
Las burbujas, esas esferas de perfección translúcida e iridiscente que
desaparecen en un instante, son tan bonitas y efímeras como nuestros sueños y
todo lo fabuloso con que se entretiene nuestra imaginación por un segundo…
hasta que debes despertar y regresar a la realidad, con sus exigencias y
quehaceres cotidianos.

En un mundo cada vez más mecanizado y
esquematizado, en este mundo de adultos en el que debemos seguir reglas rígidas
y trabajar a prisa y sin descanso, hay cada vez menos espacio para la
espontaneidad y la sensibilidad que tanto nos gusta a los soñadores… estos
seres extraños, reservados, introvertidos y distraídos, que prefieren pasar
tiempo solos, fantaseando en sus burbujas de sueños.
En Occidente, este tipo de personalidad no
suele tener mucho éxito social ni laboral. En nuestra sociedad individualista
se prefiere la gente práctica, concentrada, con los pies en la tierra. Y sobre
todo extrovertida, abierta y desinhibida. Es curioso contrastar esto en las
culturas asiáticas, cuyo carácter es más colectivo que individualista. En
Oriente se valora más la timidez por relacionarse con otro tipo de actitudes
apreciadas en esas culturas, tales como la modestia, la humildad, el orden y la
sencillez. No es de extrañarse que las filosofías y religiones orientales, como
el budismo y el hinduismo, tiendan a dirigirse más a lo interno que a lo
externo; a la meditación y a la contemplación interior.
Sin embargo, tanto en Occidente como en
Oriente, y probablemente aún más en Oriente, con el estereotipo de los
japoneses, chinos y coreanos como perfeccionistas adictos al trabajo y al
estudio; ya no hay espacio para meditar o disfrutar del ocio. La pereza es mala,
dicen; es madre de todos los vicios - y como madre hay que respetarla, diríamos
los mexicanos; pero por lo general, el ocio sigue siendo visto como algo malo.
"¡No pierdas el tiempo!" - dicen - "Trabaja sin descanso, que ya
habrá tiempo para descansar cuando estés muerto." ¿Pero acaso no es
gracias al ocio que han surgido las ideas más brillantes? Fue gracias al ocio,
por ejemplo, que Newton, sentado bajo un árbol, vio caer la manzana y
desarrolló la teoría de la gravedad. Es gracias al ocio y a la paz y relajación
que nos genera, que tenemos espacio para reflexionar y crear.
Pero nuestro sistema no es fan de los
ociosos ni los fantasiosos. Nuestro sistema quiere gente trabajadora, luchona,
cuya máxima aspiración sea pasar la vida en una oficina, como buen Godínez
que se respeta. La tendencia en la educación es suprimir y restringir cada vez
más las artes y humanidades. Es más importante formar gente que estudie cosas
útiles y serias; más ciencia, más matemáticas, más ingenierías y trabajos
empresariales. "¿Qué es eso de estudiar letras, de qué vas a vivir?"
"¿Filosofía? ¿Eso para qué sirve?"

I'm Forever Blowing Bubbles
I'm dreaming dreams,
Estoy soñando sueños
I'm scheming schemes,
Estoy proyectando proyectos
I'm building castles high.
Estoy construyendo castillos en las alturas.
They're born anew,
Nacen de nuevo,
Their days are few,
Sus días son pocos,
Just like a sweet butterfly.
Al igual que una dulce mariposa.
And as the daylight is dawning,
Y cuando amanece la luz del día
They come again in the morning.
Vienen de nuevo por la mañana.
I'm forever blowing bubbles,
Siempre estoy soplando burbujas,
Pretty bubbles in the air,
Lindas burbujas en el aire,
They fly so high,
Vuelan tan alto,
Nearly reach the sky,
Casi alcanzan el cielo,
Then like my dreams,
Entonces, como mis sueños,
They fade and die.
Se desvanecen y mueren.
Fortune's always hiding,
La fortuna siempre se esconde,
I've looked everywhere,
He buscado en todas partes,
I'm forever blowing bubbles,
Siempre estoy soplando burbujas,
Pretty bubbles in the air.
Lindas burbujas en el aire.
When shadows creep,
Cuando las sombras se deslizan,
When I'm asleep,
Cuando estoy dormido,
To lands of hope I stray.
A tierras de esperanza voy errante.
Then at daybreak,
Entonces al amanecer
When I awake,
Cuando despierto,
My bluebird flutters away.
Mi azulejo se va aleteando.
Happiness new seemed so near me,
La felicidad de nuevo parecía tan cerca de mí
Happiness, come forth and heal me.
Felicidad, sal a la luz y cúrame.
I'm forever blowing bubbles…
However, unfortunately I never was good in Mathematics nor in exact sciences and I had the audacity to believe that you can make a living doing what you like, as in my case, reading and writing. And here I am, I'm not having a hard time after all, and despite adulthood, our positivistic system and this generalized rejection of the lazy and dreamy ones, I'm forever blowing bubbles… and I have a lot of fun. ;-)
Dream Bubbles
I love bubbles; they ignite in me that childish spark that resists to turn off behind the disguise of a grown-up - because adulthood is little more than a disguise, a disguise that we wear when we have to go out to find our place in the world, when you realize that you're no longer a child and now it's up to you to work in order not to be another nini*. (Mexican slang for a young person who doesn't work nor study: ni estudia ni trabaja).
Being an adult is horrible, now you have to make a living, to pay taxes and other strange stuff that you didn't even know before. And you put your grown-up disguise on, in suit and tie; child's plays are over, life consist in waking up, working all day, sleeping and dreaming of weekends just to see them fade in a flash like soap bubbles.
Being an adult is horrible, now you have to make a living, to pay taxes and other strange stuff that you didn't even know before. And you put your grown-up disguise on, in suit and tie; child's plays are over, life consist in waking up, working all day, sleeping and dreaming of weekends just to see them fade in a flash like soap bubbles.
What another game is the favorite of the innocent childish leisure than the one of blowing bubbles and marvel at their colorful reflections? There is something in soap bubbles that entertains us as fools and reminds us of the child that we won't stop ever being deep inside.
Some time ago I discovered, in my leisure times precisely, the song I'm Forever Blowing Bubbles; a relic of American pop which was first published in 1919. Its waltz melody became a hit with multiple performers and representations on popular culture. Today is recognized in England as the official anthem of the London-based football club West Ham United.
The song lyrics are a clear example of the use of bubbles in art as a metaphor par excellence of dreams. Bubbles, those spheres of translucent, iridiscent perfection that disappear in a flash, they are so beautiful and ephemeral as our dreams and all the fabulous stuff our imagination has fun with for a single second… until you have to wake up back to reality, with its daily duties and demands.
As the song's poetic voice expresses, I also like blowing bubbles in the air; figuratively, waste my time amused by sweet fantasies. What can we do? We're hopeless dreamers.

In an increasingly mechanized and schematized world, in this grown-ups world where we must follow rigid rules and work quickly without rest, there is less and less time for the spontaneity and sensibility that is to the liking of us, the dreamers… these weird, private, introvert and distracted beings who prefer to spend time alone, fantasizing in their dream bubbles.
In the West, this kind of personality is not usually socially nor professionally successful. In our individualistic society it is preferred practical, focused, down-to-earth people; and particularly, extroverted, open and outgoing people. It's interesting to contrast this Asian cultures, whose nature is more collective than individualistic. In the East, shyness is more highly valued because of its relationship with other kind of attitudes appreciated in those cultures, such as modesty, humility, order and simplicity. It is therefore not surprising than eastern religions, such as Buddhism and Hinduism, tend to approach the inner rather than the outside world with meditation and contemplation.
In the West, this kind of personality is not usually socially nor professionally successful. In our individualistic society it is preferred practical, focused, down-to-earth people; and particularly, extroverted, open and outgoing people. It's interesting to contrast this Asian cultures, whose nature is more collective than individualistic. In the East, shyness is more highly valued because of its relationship with other kind of attitudes appreciated in those cultures, such as modesty, humility, order and simplicity. It is therefore not surprising than eastern religions, such as Buddhism and Hinduism, tend to approach the inner rather than the outside world with meditation and contemplation.
However, in both the West and the East, and probably even more in the East, with this stereotype of Japanese, Chinese and Corean people being perfectionist workaholic people, we can no longer meditate nor enjoy our leisure time. "Laziness is bad", they say, "Laziness is the mother of all vices - but ultimately she is a mother and we should respect her", we Mexicans would say; but generally speaking, laziness is still regarded as something bad. "Don't waste time!" - they say - "Work restlessly, there will be time to rest when you're dead" But it's not thanks to leisure than the brightest ideas have arisen? It was thanks to leisure, for example, that Newton, under a tree, saw the apple falling and developed the theory of gravitation. It is thanks to leisure and the peace and relaxation that it causes us, that we have time to reflect and create.
But our system is not a fan of the lazy nor the dreamy ones. Our system wants hardworking, fighter people, whose highest ambition is to spend life in an office, as any good, self-respecting Godínez* (Mexican slang for the regular optimistic office worker). The current trend on education is to increasingly remove and restrict arts and humanities. It is more important to train people to study useful, serious stuff; more science, more mathematics, more engineerings and business works. "How on earth are you going to make a living studying literature?" "Philosophy? What's the use of that?"
But our system is not a fan of the lazy nor the dreamy ones. Our system wants hardworking, fighter people, whose highest ambition is to spend life in an office, as any good, self-respecting Godínez* (Mexican slang for the regular optimistic office worker). The current trend on education is to increasingly remove and restrict arts and humanities. It is more important to train people to study useful, serious stuff; more science, more mathematics, more engineerings and business works. "How on earth are you going to make a living studying literature?" "Philosophy? What's the use of that?"

I'm Forever Blowing Bubbles
I'm dreaming dreams,
I'm scheming schemes,
I'm building castles high.
They're born anew,
Their days are few,
Just like a sweet butterfly.
And as the daylight is dawning,
They come again in the morning.
I'm forever blowing bubbles,
Pretty bubbles in the air,
They fly so high,
Nearly reach the sky,
Then like my dreams,
They fade and die.
Fortune's always hiding,
I've looked everywhere,
I'm forever blowing bubbles,
Pretty bubbles in the air.
When shadows creep,
When I'm asleep,
To lands of hope I stray.
Then at daybreak,
When I awake,
My bluebird flutters away.
Happiness new seemed so near me,
Happiness, come forth and heal me.
I'm forever blowing bubbles…
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